Seeing the light.

May 11, 2012  •  1 Comment

Really, that's what it's all about in the world of photography. Seeing the light. Finding the light. Knowing how to control and use the light.

And then putting it onto your media with whatever device you have at hand.


This morning I had a crazy idea; I'd set my alarm for 5:15 and get up with the sun.  Tired as all heck, I'm GLAD I did. Perfectly cloudless sky, which is usually the bane of a photographer's existence. But that allowed for a nice orange red glow as the sun was coming up before it actually hit horizon.

Then I went to a location I had been thinking about for awhile to see how the sun was hitting things. What do you think?

Into the light

 I snapped a few other shots (please note: AS-SHOT) to illustrate how interesting the light is at different times of day and in different weather conditions. I have to thank Douglas E. Walker  for really driving home for me the importance of just LOOKING at what you're thinking of shooting. If you have any control at all over what you want to shoot, do it. Don't just make it a snapshot. Those are fine, but "all good things to those who wait"


These are for illustrative purpose: just look how interesting that lighting is! Beats showing up at high noon doesn't it?
























I can't wait to see the results of your June 7th workshop "Shooting the exceptionally unphotogenic"!
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